Otoscope Market Is Gaining Major Traction with Industry Leader Otonexus Medical Technologies Introducing Ultrasound Sensor, Which Aids Middle-Ear Infection Diagnosis

An otoscope or auricular ear picker is a simple health care tool that is used to inspect the outer ear. Many health care professionals utilize otoscopes to examine ear infections during routine check-ups and to also screen for serious ear disorders. An otoscope possibly provides a more detailed view of the external ear canal and/or ear drum or eardrum. Otoscope or also referred to as auriscope is mainly used to look into eyes. The demand for these medical devices has been on a rise in the recent past. This is typically due to the fact that there is a high burden of ENT-related diseases across the globe. As per the World Health Organization (WHO), by 2050, around 2.5 billion people are estimated to have some degree of hearing loss worldwide. Similarly, there is a heavy burden of sinusitis cases. As per the Sinusitis & Allergy Wellness Center, around 30 million adults in the U.S. are impacted with sinusitis annually. Such a high prevalence of ENT disorders has accelerated the d...